Friday, 7 May 2010

Time Schedule

As we don't have time to capture all the footage for our media trailer in one session, we have created a schedule to help us manage our time efficiently.

Session One
- We plan to film all the scenes where the main focus are the props
These include: The missing poster on a tree, photos scattered on the floor, taking drugs, girls reaching for a knife, a character holding a rope/chain, a necklace in someones hand.

Session Two
-We plan to film all the scenes that only include the main character played by Emily.
These include: Emily falling over, turning her head, drinking vodka, a close up of her eye, emily being interviewed, emily smoking, emily holding a necklace and then putting it on, emily spinning with the camera.

Session Three
-We plan to film the rest of the scenes that include all three characters played by Emily, Frankie and James.
These include: James running, James jumping off a platform, a birds eye view of james, Frankie and James around college, James giving Frankie a necklace, Frankie trying to escape from a locked room, Frankie tied to a chair, a close up of Frankies face, close up of James.

As we are filming over a number of days, we have ensured that props, locations and costumes are kept continuous.

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